By Laws
United States of America
Parish of Orleans
BE IT KNOWN, That on the 11 day of August , in the year of Our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one, before me, ROY A. CASEY. a ~notary Public, in and for the Stat~, Parish and City aforesaid, duly commissioned, appointed and qualified,
PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED: GUS M. PELIAS. JR., of lawful age, who declared to me that availing himself. of the provisions of R.S. 12:201, et seq •• of the laws of the State of Louisiana, he does hereby organize himself. his successors und assigns in to a corporation in pursuance of the laws of the State Louisiana. ~Ilder and in accordance with the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I
The name of the corporation is MARINA CHAMALE CO~INIUK ASSOCIATION. INC. It is a nonprofit corporation.
The term of existence of this corporation is perpetual.
The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to provide an entity pursuant to the Louisiana Condominium Act, R.S. 9:1121.101 to R.S. 9:1124.117 for the operation ~and administration of the MARINA CHAMALE CONDOMINIUMS. ARTICLE IV.
The domicile of this corporation shall be St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana and the location and post office address of its registered office shall be: 2852 Carey Street, Slidell, Louisiana
In furtherance of its purposes, the corporation shall have all of the powers conferred upon corpordtior.s not-for-profit under the laws of the State of Louisiana. including all of the powers necessary or incidental thereto to perform the duties and exercise the rights and powers of the Association under the Condominium Declaration and the Louisiana Condominium Act ~which will include, but
be l:lrr.1 tcd to the follen.dng:
adopt and bylaws and rules and regulations'; adopt and budget test for revenues, expenditures, and reserves and make and collect assessments for common expenses from unit commerce
(3) hire and terminate managing agents and other employees, agents, and interdependent contractors;
(4) institute, defend, 'or intervene in litigation or administrative~': proceedings. in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners of matters affecting the condominium;
(5) make contracts ~and incur liabilities;
(6) regulate the use, maintenance. repair. replacement. and modification of common cements;
(7) cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common elements;
(8) acquire. hold. encumber. and convey in its own and any right, title, .or interest to real or personal property;
(9) grant easements. leases, licenses. and concessions through or over the common elements;
(10) impose and receive any payments. fees. or charges for the use. rental. or operation of the common elements other than limited common elements;
(11) impose charges for later payment of assessments and. after notice •
and an opportunity to be heard, levy reasonable fines for violations of the declaration. bylaws, and rules and regulations of the association~ (12) impose reasonable charges for the preparation and recordation of amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required by R;S. 9:1124.107, or statements of unpaid assessments;
(13) provide for the identification of its officers and executive board and maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(14) exercise any other powers conferred by the declaration or bylaws; (15) exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by legal entities of the same .type as the association; and
(16) exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the &governance and
operation of the association.
membership in~ the Association shall coexist exclusively of 011 the unit owners. Such interest shall be the sole qualif1ca,~~on for membership, Upon the sale or transfer of a Unit by an .owner. that, person's membership shall terminate and shall be automatically ,transferred to title purchaser: or transferee. ARTICLE VII
This corporation is to be organized on a non-stock basis. There shall be but one class ~f membership., Each member of the ~~association shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned; said vote. however shall be on a percent~&e basic and the percentage of 'the vote to which any such owner is entitled shall be the percentage assigned to said unit in the Condominium Declaration.
The number of directors constituting the initial Board of Directors of this corporation is three. and the names and addresses of the persons who serve as the initial Directors are:
1.) Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
D2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
2.) George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
3.) Nelita Gorman Hooper
2852 Carrey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
This initial Board of Directors shall serve until 120 days after completion of transfer to unit owners representing 75% of the votes of all unit 'owners, including all future phases. Said 75% shall be computed on both the initial phase and all future phases. However. the initial Board of Directors may, at its option. surrender control to the unit owners' at any time prior to these occurrences. ARTICLE IX
The Association's affairs shall be administered by Officers elected at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual members meeting. Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
officers names and addresses are.
George B. Dunbar - resident
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459 " ,
Gus M. Pelias.-Jr. - Vice-President
U2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Lbui5i~na 70124 ~
Nelita Gorman Hooper - Secretary-Treasurer
2852 Carey Street
Slidell·~. Louisiana 70459
The above named officers shall hold office and serve until their successors are designated by the Board of Directors 'and have- qualified or' until removed from office X
Amendments -to these Articles of Incorporation shall be adopted in the manner set forth in the bylaws; provided. however, that no-amendment to these 'Articles shall-be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration ••
The Board of Directors shall adopt the first bylaws of the Association. The bylaws ~y be amended. changed. -repealed in the manner provided by said bylaws.
The full name and post office address of the corporations registered agents are:
Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
12 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Louisiana 70124
George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459
'.In] CJ.E >:J II
The name and post office address of the incorporator o[ this corporation 1s:
Gus M._Pelias, Jr.
#2 Mariners Cove:North
new Orleans:,. Louisiana 70124
Thus DONE-;..AND SIGNED, .in IOY office in the State, Parish and City aforesaid on the day,· and year hereinabove set forth, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, a f t e r 'due reading of the whole.
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 21st day of September, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation,
represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001. In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 3 states:
“Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on September 18, 2001, by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows:
“Section 3. Vacancies. All Board members must be current on their dues prior to the date of the first organizational meeting. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary
after reading of the whole.
Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer
_________________________________ Notary Public
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 4th day of May, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter, Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared
Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation, represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001.
In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc. , adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th Day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 6, states
“Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of ten (10) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on October 12, 1999 by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows: “Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of thirty (30) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole.
____________________________ Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________
Notary Public
Marina Chamale Condominium Association
Rules & Regulations
In addition to the covenants and regulations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, the Condominium Declaration and the Condominium By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association:
1. Marina Chamale is a private marina designated for use by it's slip owners/
renters and Chamale residents only. Any person utilizing the waters and boardwalks designated, as Marina Chamale shall be governed by and subject to these rules and regulations.
The rules of the road and navigation laws of the U.S.C.G. shall apply to all vessels in or approaching the marina. The approach to and waters in the marina are a "NO WAKE ZONE."
3. Only pleasure vessels, in good condition and under their
own power, shall be moved in the marina. Individual slip owners are responsible for the craft moored in their respective slip. Any damages to marina decking or pilings caused by the vessel moored in the slip will be repaired and that cost will be charged to the slip owner.
4. There are 137 usable slips within the marina. At no time
may any vessel be permanently moored in any area of the marina, ramp, surrounding land, boardwalk or water way not designated as a slip.
5. If any craft should sink or become waterlogged, it will be the responsibility of the owner of the slip to have such craft raised immediately. If after ten (10) days prior notice, the craft has not been raised, the Marina Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to undertake raising the craft, and any expense or cost involved will be charged to the slip owner.
6. Use of any toilet or marine head located on any craft
docked at it's berth, or at any location in the marina, will not be permitted unless that craft has a self contained properly functioning holding tank. This restriction will be strictly enforced, and anyone violating it will be subject to fine and eviction.
7. No refuse or trash shall be thrown overboard into the marina.
All trash, refuse and garbage must be removed from the marina area. Each slip owner is responsible for their respective slip area.
8. All catwalks, wharves and piers adjacent to the slips must
be kept clean. Vessel and slip owners shall not store supplies, material, accessories, fixtures, small boats or dinghies, or debris on the marina deck area, and shall not construct any lockers, chest, cabinets or similar structures. The Marina Association reserves the right to remove any such items without prior notice and charge the slip owner for removal expenses.
9. Only the Marina Chamale Condominium Association
approved dock locker will be permitted as storage unit correctly located at each slip.
10. No owner of a vessel or slip will make any alterations or
or repairs of any kind to the catwalks, piers, docks, or appurtenances thereto without specific written permission from the Marina Association. Any request for such
alteration must be made in writing, including drawings of same for association review.
11. Advertising or soliciting shall not be permitted on any slip
or vessel within the marina. Any sale sign must be located on the vessel, not the dock. A slip owner desiring to sell their slip may solicit in writing, permission from the board to place a For Sale sign (not larger than 12"x6") on the marina bulkhead next to the slip number. Permission will be granted only if slip
dues are paid current.
12. To supply electricity to a vessel, boat owners must use
standard marine electrical cables, connected to one of the marina electrical pedestals. The only exception is if an owner of a condo or home on the marina owns a slip adjacent to their unit/home and wishes to use their unit/ home energy as the source of electrical supply to their boat. In this case, a written request for approval must be submitted to the marina board, accompanied by a plan showing conduit path, under deck installation method,
and compliance with the City of Slidell electrical codes.
13. Bicycling, roller skating, or skateboarding are not allowed
on the marina boardwalks or piers. There will be absolutely no water toys of any size allowed in the marina. No jumping off of dock or boats at any time in the Marina.
14. All pets shall be leashed when on docks or piers. Leashed pets are only permitted if they do not disturb other slip owners or their guests. The Slidell Animal Control office should be notified of problems with unleashed animals.
15. Feeding of any domestic or wild animals within the marina
area is strictly prohibited. This includes alligators and turtles.
16. No laundry of any type, such as wet clothes or items
of a personal nature, shall be hung out to dry in public view.
17. Owners may not use, lease, lend, or grant access in any
way to an individual slip on which Association dues are past due.
18. No water nor electricity can be made available to slips on
which Association dues are past due.
19. Marina Chamale is under the jurisdiction of the City of
Slidell. The laws and their enforcement are subject to the Slidell authorities. Nuisances such as excessive noise improper and/or dangerous situations shall be reported to the Slidell Police department.
20. Any damage caused to the dock by a slip owner is to be repaired by the person causing the damage. The Marina Association has the right, but not the obligation to repair such damage and bill the owners for the necessary repairs.
21. All major repairs or alterations to vessels must be
completed outside the marina.
22. The Marina boat ramp is private and owned by the Marina
Association. It's use is dedicated to slip owners/renters and Chamale residents only. Slip owners/renters are allowed free usage of the ramp. The Association may levy a usage fee for all other usage. Ramp and access area must be kept clear at all times for the purpose of
launching or removing a boat. No vehicles, trailers, or boats may be left on the ramp unattended.
23. The marina parking lot is a private lot on Chamale Cove East behind slips 87 thru 93. The lot is reserved for slip owners/renters only to park their vehicles while
attending their vessels. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Affirmed and adopted by the board at the regular meeting October/2000
2019 Web Design.
By Laws
United States of America
Parish of Orleans
BE IT KNOWN, That on the 11 day of August , in the year of Our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one, before me, ROY A. CASEY. a ~notary Public, in and for the Stat~, Parish and City aforesaid, duly commissioned, appointed and qualified,
PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED: GUS M. PELIAS. JR., of lawful age, who declared to me that availing himself. of the provisions of R.S. 12:201, et seq •• of the laws of the State of Louisiana, he does hereby organize himself. his successors und assigns in to a corporation in pursuance of the laws of the State Louisiana. ~Ilder and in accordance with the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I
The name of the corporation is MARINA CHAMALE CO~INIUK ASSOCIATION. INC. It is a nonprofit corporation.
The term of existence of this corporation is perpetual.
The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to provide an entity pursuant to the Louisiana Condominium Act, R.S. 9:1121.101 to R.S. 9:1124.117 for the operation ~and administration of the MARINA CHAMALE CONDOMINIUMS. ARTICLE IV.
The domicile of this corporation shall be St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana and the location and post office address of its registered office shall be: 2852 Carey Street, Slidell, Louisiana
In furtherance of its purposes, the corporation shall have all of the powers conferred upon corpordtior.s not-for-profit under the laws of the State of Louisiana. including all of the powers necessary or incidental thereto to perform the duties and exercise the rights and powers of the Association under the Condominium Declaration and the Louisiana Condominium Act ~which will include, but
be l:lrr.1 tcd to the follen.dng:
adopt and bylaws and rules and regulations'; adopt and budget test for revenues, expenditures, and reserves and make and collect assessments for common expenses from unit commerce
(3) hire and terminate managing agents and other employees, agents, and interdependent contractors;
(4) institute, defend, 'or intervene in litigation or administrative~': proceedings. in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners of matters affecting the condominium;
(5) make contracts ~and incur liabilities;
(6) regulate the use, maintenance. repair. replacement. and modification of common cements;
(7) cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common elements;
(8) acquire. hold. encumber. and convey in its own and any right, title, .or interest to real or personal property;
(9) grant easements. leases, licenses. and concessions through or over the common elements;
(10) impose and receive any payments. fees. or charges for the use. rental. or operation of the common elements other than limited common elements;
(11) impose charges for later payment of assessments and. after notice •
and an opportunity to be heard, levy reasonable fines for violations of the declaration. bylaws, and rules and regulations of the association~ (12) impose reasonable charges for the preparation and recordation of amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required by R;S. 9:1124.107, or statements of unpaid assessments;
(13) provide for the identification of its officers and executive board and maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(14) exercise any other powers conferred by the declaration or bylaws; (15) exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by legal entities of the same .type as the association; and
(16) exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the &governance and
operation of the association.
membership in~ the Association shall coexist exclusively of 011 the unit owners. Such interest shall be the sole qualif1ca,~~on for membership, Upon the sale or transfer of a Unit by an .owner. that, person's membership shall terminate and shall be automatically ,transferred to title purchaser: or transferee. ARTICLE VII
This corporation is to be organized on a non-stock basis. There shall be but one class ~f membership., Each member of the ~~association shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned; said vote. however shall be on a percent~&e basic and the percentage of 'the vote to which any such owner is entitled shall be the percentage assigned to said unit in the Condominium Declaration.
The number of directors constituting the initial Board of Directors of this corporation is three. and the names and addresses of the persons who serve as the initial Directors are:
1.) Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
D2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
2.) George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
3.) Nelita Gorman Hooper
2852 Carrey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
This initial Board of Directors shall serve until 120 days after completion of transfer to unit owners representing 75% of the votes of all unit 'owners, including all future phases. Said 75% shall be computed on both the initial phase and all future phases. However. the initial Board of Directors may, at its option. surrender control to the unit owners' at any time prior to these occurrences. ARTICLE IX
The Association's affairs shall be administered by Officers elected at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual members meeting. Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
officers names and addresses are.
George B. Dunbar - resident
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459 " ,
Gus M. Pelias.-Jr. - Vice-President
U2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Lbui5i~na 70124 ~
Nelita Gorman Hooper - Secretary-Treasurer
2852 Carey Street
Slidell·~. Louisiana 70459
The above named officers shall hold office and serve until their successors are designated by the Board of Directors 'and have- qualified or' until removed from office X
Amendments -to these Articles of Incorporation shall be adopted in the manner set forth in the bylaws; provided. however, that no-amendment to these 'Articles shall-be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration ••
The Board of Directors shall adopt the first bylaws of the Association. The bylaws ~y be amended. changed. -repealed in the manner provided by said bylaws.
The full name and post office address of the corporations registered agents are:
Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
12 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Louisiana 70124
George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459
'.In] CJ.E >:J II
The name and post office address of the incorporator o[ this corporation 1s:
Gus M._Pelias, Jr.
#2 Mariners Cove:North
new Orleans:,. Louisiana 70124
Thus DONE-;..AND SIGNED, .in IOY office in the State, Parish and City aforesaid on the day,· and year hereinabove set forth, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, a f t e r 'due reading of the whole.
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 21st day of September, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation,
represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001. In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 3 states:
“Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on September 18, 2001, by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows:
“Section 3. Vacancies. All Board members must be current on their dues prior to the date of the first organizational meeting. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary
after reading of the whole.
Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer
_________________________________ Notary Public
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 4th day of May, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter, Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared
Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation, represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001.
In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc. , adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th Day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 6, states
“Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of ten (10) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on October 12, 1999 by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows: “Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of thirty (30) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole.
____________________________ Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________
Notary Public
Marina Chamale Condominium Association
Rules & Regulations
In addition to the covenants and regulations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, the Condominium Declaration and the Condominium By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association:
1. Marina Chamale is a private marina designated for use by it's slip owners/
renters and Chamale residents only. Any person utilizing the waters and boardwalks designated, as Marina Chamale shall be governed by and subject to these rules and regulations.
The rules of the road and navigation laws of the U.S.C.G. shall apply to all vessels in or approaching the marina. The approach to and waters in the marina are a "NO WAKE ZONE."
3. Only pleasure vessels, in good condition and under their
own power, shall be moved in the marina. Individual slip owners are responsible for the craft moored in their respective slip. Any damages to marina decking or pilings caused by the vessel moored in the slip will be repaired and that cost will be charged to the slip owner.
4. There are 137 usable slips within the marina. At no time
may any vessel be permanently moored in any area of the marina, ramp, surrounding land, boardwalk or water way not designated as a slip.
5. If any craft should sink or become waterlogged, it will be the responsibility of the owner of the slip to have such craft raised immediately. If after ten (10) days prior notice, the craft has not been raised, the Marina Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to undertake raising the craft, and any expense or cost involved will be charged to the slip owner.
6. Use of any toilet or marine head located on any craft
docked at it's berth, or at any location in the marina, will not be permitted unless that craft has a self contained properly functioning holding tank. This restriction will be strictly enforced, and anyone violating it will be subject to fine and eviction.
7. No refuse or trash shall be thrown overboard into the marina.
All trash, refuse and garbage must be removed from the marina area. Each slip owner is responsible for their respective slip area.
8. All catwalks, wharves and piers adjacent to the slips must
be kept clean. Vessel and slip owners shall not store supplies, material, accessories, fixtures, small boats or dinghies, or debris on the marina deck area, and shall not construct any lockers, chest, cabinets or similar structures. The Marina Association reserves the right to remove any such items without prior notice and charge the slip owner for removal expenses.
9. Only the Marina Chamale Condominium Association
approved dock locker will be permitted as storage unit correctly located at each slip.
10. No owner of a vessel or slip will make any alterations or
or repairs of any kind to the catwalks, piers, docks, or appurtenances thereto without specific written permission from the Marina Association. Any request for such
alteration must be made in writing, including drawings of same for association review.
11. Advertising or soliciting shall not be permitted on any slip
or vessel within the marina. Any sale sign must be located on the vessel, not the dock. A slip owner desiring to sell their slip may solicit in writing, permission from the board to place a For Sale sign (not larger than 12"x6") on the marina bulkhead next to the slip number. Permission will be granted only if slip
dues are paid current.
12. To supply electricity to a vessel, boat owners must use
standard marine electrical cables, connected to one of the marina electrical pedestals. The only exception is if an owner of a condo or home on the marina owns a slip adjacent to their unit/home and wishes to use their unit/ home energy as the source of electrical supply to their boat. In this case, a written request for approval must be submitted to the marina board, accompanied by a plan showing conduit path, under deck installation method,
and compliance with the City of Slidell electrical codes.
13. Bicycling, roller skating, or skateboarding are not allowed
on the marina boardwalks or piers. There will be absolutely no water toys of any size allowed in the marina. No jumping off of dock or boats at any time in the Marina.
14. All pets shall be leashed when on docks or piers. Leashed pets are only permitted if they do not disturb other slip owners or their guests. The Slidell Animal Control office should be notified of problems with unleashed animals.
15. Feeding of any domestic or wild animals within the marina
area is strictly prohibited. This includes alligators and turtles.
16. No laundry of any type, such as wet clothes or items
of a personal nature, shall be hung out to dry in public view.
17. Owners may not use, lease, lend, or grant access in any
way to an individual slip on which Association dues are past due.
18. No water nor electricity can be made available to slips on
which Association dues are past due.
19. Marina Chamale is under the jurisdiction of the City of
Slidell. The laws and their enforcement are subject to the Slidell authorities. Nuisances such as excessive noise improper and/or dangerous situations shall be reported to the Slidell Police department.
20. Any damage caused to the dock by a slip owner is to be repaired by the person causing the damage. The Marina Association has the right, but not the obligation to repair such damage and bill the owners for the necessary repairs.
21. All major repairs or alterations to vessels must be
completed outside the marina.
22. The Marina boat ramp is private and owned by the Marina
Association. It's use is dedicated to slip owners/renters and Chamale residents only. Slip owners/renters are allowed free usage of the ramp. The Association may levy a usage fee for all other usage. Ramp and access area must be kept clear at all times for the purpose of
launching or removing a boat. No vehicles, trailers, or boats may be left on the ramp unattended.
23. The marina parking lot is a private lot on Chamale Cove East behind slips 87 thru 93. The lot is reserved for slip owners/renters only to park their vehicles while
attending their vessels. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Affirmed and adopted by the board at the regular meeting October/2000
United States of America
Parish of Orleans
BE IT KNOWN, That on the 11 day of August , in the year of Our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one, before me, ROY A. CASEY. a ~notary Public, in and for the Stat~, Parish and City aforesaid, duly commissioned, appointed and qualified,
PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED: GUS M. PELIAS. JR., of lawful age, who declared to me that availing himself. of the provisions of R.S. 12:201, et seq •• of the laws of the State of Louisiana, he does hereby organize himself. his successors und assigns in to a corporation in pursuance of the laws of the State Louisiana. ~Ilder and in accordance with the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I
The name of the corporation is MARINA CHAMALE CO~INIUK ASSOCIATION. INC. It is a nonprofit corporation.
The term of existence of this corporation is perpetual.
The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to provide an entity pursuant to the Louisiana Condominium Act, R.S. 9:1121.101 to R.S. 9:1124.117 for the operation ~and administration of the MARINA CHAMALE CONDOMINIUMS. ARTICLE IV.
The domicile of this corporation shall be St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana and the location and post office address of its registered office shall be: 2852 Carey Street, Slidell, Louisiana
In furtherance of its purposes, the corporation shall have all of the powers conferred upon corpordtior.s not-for-profit under the laws of the State of Louisiana. including all of the powers necessary or incidental thereto to perform the duties and exercise the rights and powers of the Association under the Condominium Declaration and the Louisiana Condominium Act ~which will include, but
be l:lrr.1 tcd to the follen.dng:
adopt and bylaws and rules and regulations'; adopt and budget test for revenues, expenditures, and reserves and make and collect assessments for common expenses from unit commerce
(3) hire and terminate managing agents and other employees, agents, and interdependent contractors;
(4) institute, defend, 'or intervene in litigation or administrative~': proceedings. in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners of matters affecting the condominium;
(5) make contracts ~and incur liabilities;
(6) regulate the use, maintenance. repair. replacement. and modification of common cements;
(7) cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common elements;
(8) acquire. hold. encumber. and convey in its own and any right, title, .or interest to real or personal property;
(9) grant easements. leases, licenses. and concessions through or over the common elements;
(10) impose and receive any payments. fees. or charges for the use. rental. or operation of the common elements other than limited common elements;
(11) impose charges for later payment of assessments and. after notice •
and an opportunity to be heard, levy reasonable fines for violations of the declaration. bylaws, and rules and regulations of the association~ (12) impose reasonable charges for the preparation and recordation of amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required by R;S. 9:1124.107, or statements of unpaid assessments;
(13) provide for the identification of its officers and executive board and maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(14) exercise any other powers conferred by the declaration or bylaws; (15) exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by legal entities of the same .type as the association; and
(16) exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the &governance and
operation of the association.
membership in~ the Association shall coexist exclusively of 011 the unit owners. Such interest shall be the sole qualif1ca,~~on for membership, Upon the sale or transfer of a Unit by an .owner. that, person's membership shall terminate and shall be automatically ,transferred to title purchaser: or transferee. ARTICLE VII
This corporation is to be organized on a non-stock basis. There shall be but one class ~f membership., Each member of the ~~association shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned; said vote. however shall be on a percent~&e basic and the percentage of 'the vote to which any such owner is entitled shall be the percentage assigned to said unit in the Condominium Declaration.
The number of directors constituting the initial Board of Directors of this corporation is three. and the names and addresses of the persons who serve as the initial Directors are:
1.) Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
D2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
2.) George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
3.) Nelita Gorman Hooper
2852 Carrey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
This initial Board of Directors shall serve until 120 days after completion of transfer to unit owners representing 75% of the votes of all unit 'owners, including all future phases. Said 75% shall be computed on both the initial phase and all future phases. However. the initial Board of Directors may, at its option. surrender control to the unit owners' at any time prior to these occurrences. ARTICLE IX
The Association's affairs shall be administered by Officers elected at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual members meeting. Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
officers names and addresses are.
George B. Dunbar - resident
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459 " ,
Gus M. Pelias.-Jr. - Vice-President
U2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Lbui5i~na 70124 ~
Nelita Gorman Hooper - Secretary-Treasurer
2852 Carey Street
Slidell·~. Louisiana 70459
The above named officers shall hold office and serve until their successors are designated by the Board of Directors 'and have- qualified or' until removed from office X
Amendments -to these Articles of Incorporation shall be adopted in the manner set forth in the bylaws; provided. however, that no-amendment to these 'Articles shall-be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration ••
The Board of Directors shall adopt the first bylaws of the Association. The bylaws ~y be amended. changed. -repealed in the manner provided by said bylaws.
The full name and post office address of the corporations registered agents are:
Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
12 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Louisiana 70124
George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459
'.In] CJ.E >:J II
The name and post office address of the incorporator o[ this corporation 1s:
Gus M._Pelias, Jr.
#2 Mariners Cove:North
new Orleans:,. Louisiana 70124
Thus DONE-;..AND SIGNED, .in IOY office in the State, Parish and City aforesaid on the day,· and year hereinabove set forth, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, a f t e r 'due reading of the whole.
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 21st day of September, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation,
represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001. In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 3 states:
“Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on September 18, 2001, by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows:
“Section 3. Vacancies. All Board members must be current on their dues prior to the date of the first organizational meeting. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary
after reading of the whole.
Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer
_________________________________ Notary Public
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 4th day of May, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter, Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared
Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation, represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001.
In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc. , adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th Day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 6, states
“Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of ten (10) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on October 12, 1999 by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows: “Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of thirty (30) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole.
____________________________ Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________
Notary Public
Marina Chamale Condominium Association
Rules & Regulations
In addition to the covenants and regulations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, the Condominium Declaration and the Condominium By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association:
1. Marina Chamale is a private marina designated for use by it's slip owners/
renters and Chamale residents only. Any person utilizing the waters and boardwalks designated, as Marina Chamale shall be governed by and subject to these rules and regulations.
The rules of the road and navigation laws of the U.S.C.G. shall apply to all vessels in or approaching the marina. The approach to and waters in the marina are a "NO WAKE ZONE."
3. Only pleasure vessels, in good condition and under their
own power, shall be moved in the marina. Individual slip owners are responsible for the craft moored in their respective slip. Any damages to marina decking or pilings caused by the vessel moored in the slip will be repaired and that cost will be charged to the slip owner.
4. There are 137 usable slips within the marina. At no time
may any vessel be permanently moored in any area of the marina, ramp, surrounding land, boardwalk or water way not designated as a slip.
5. If any craft should sink or become waterlogged, it will be the responsibility of the owner of the slip to have such craft raised immediately. If after ten (10) days prior notice, the craft has not been raised, the Marina Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to undertake raising the craft, and any expense or cost involved will be charged to the slip owner.
6. Use of any toilet or marine head located on any craft
docked at it's berth, or at any location in the marina, will not be permitted unless that craft has a self contained properly functioning holding tank. This restriction will be strictly enforced, and anyone violating it will be subject to fine and eviction.
7. No refuse or trash shall be thrown overboard into the marina.
All trash, refuse and garbage must be removed from the marina area. Each slip owner is responsible for their respective slip area.
8. All catwalks, wharves and piers adjacent to the slips must
be kept clean. Vessel and slip owners shall not store supplies, material, accessories, fixtures, small boats or dinghies, or debris on the marina deck area, and shall not construct any lockers, chest, cabinets or similar structures. The Marina Association reserves the right to remove any such items without prior notice and charge the slip owner for removal expenses.
9. Only the Marina Chamale Condominium Association
approved dock locker will be permitted as storage unit correctly located at each slip.
10. No owner of a vessel or slip will make any alterations or
or repairs of any kind to the catwalks, piers, docks, or appurtenances thereto without specific written permission from the Marina Association. Any request for such
alteration must be made in writing, including drawings of same for association review.
11. Advertising or soliciting shall not be permitted on any slip
or vessel within the marina. Any sale sign must be located on the vessel, not the dock. A slip owner desiring to sell their slip may solicit in writing, permission from the board to place a For Sale sign (not larger than 12"x6") on the marina bulkhead next to the slip number. Permission will be granted only if slip
dues are paid current.
12. To supply electricity to a vessel, boat owners must use
standard marine electrical cables, connected to one of the marina electrical pedestals. The only exception is if an owner of a condo or home on the marina owns a slip adjacent to their unit/home and wishes to use their unit/ home energy as the source of electrical supply to their boat. In this case, a written request for approval must be submitted to the marina board, accompanied by a plan showing conduit path, under deck installation method,
and compliance with the City of Slidell electrical codes.
13. Bicycling, roller skating, or skateboarding are not allowed
on the marina boardwalks or piers. There will be absolutely no water toys of any size allowed in the marina. No jumping off of dock or boats at any time in the Marina.
14. All pets shall be leashed when on docks or piers. Leashed pets are only permitted if they do not disturb other slip owners or their guests. The Slidell Animal Control office should be notified of problems with unleashed animals.
15. Feeding of any domestic or wild animals within the marina
area is strictly prohibited. This includes alligators and turtles.
16. No laundry of any type, such as wet clothes or items
of a personal nature, shall be hung out to dry in public view.
17. Owners may not use, lease, lend, or grant access in any
way to an individual slip on which Association dues are past due.
18. No water nor electricity can be made available to slips on
which Association dues are past due.
19. Marina Chamale is under the jurisdiction of the City of
Slidell. The laws and their enforcement are subject to the Slidell authorities. Nuisances such as excessive noise improper and/or dangerous situations shall be reported to the Slidell Police department.
20. Any damage caused to the dock by a slip owner is to be repaired by the person causing the damage. The Marina Association has the right, but not the obligation to repair such damage and bill the owners for the necessary repairs.
21. All major repairs or alterations to vessels must be
completed outside the marina.
22. The Marina boat ramp is private and owned by the Marina
Association. It's use is dedicated to slip owners/renters and Chamale residents only. Slip owners/renters are allowed free usage of the ramp. The Association may levy a usage fee for all other usage. Ramp and access area must be kept clear at all times for the purpose of
launching or removing a boat. No vehicles, trailers, or boats may be left on the ramp unattended.
23. The marina parking lot is a private lot on Chamale Cove East behind slips 87 thru 93. The lot is reserved for slip owners/renters only to park their vehicles while
attending their vessels. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Affirmed and adopted by the board at the regular meeting October/2000
2019 Web Design.
By Laws
United States of America
Parish of Orleans
BE IT KNOWN, That on the 11 day of August , in the year of Our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one, before me, ROY A. CASEY. a ~notary Public, in and for the Stat~, Parish and City aforesaid, duly commissioned, appointed and qualified,
PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED: GUS M. PELIAS. JR., of lawful age, who declared to me that availing himself. of the provisions of R.S. 12:201, et seq •• of the laws of the State of Louisiana, he does hereby organize himself. his successors und assigns in to a corporation in pursuance of the laws of the State Louisiana. ~Ilder and in accordance with the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I
The name of the corporation is MARINA CHAMALE CO~INIUK ASSOCIATION. INC. It is a nonprofit corporation.
The term of existence of this corporation is perpetual.
The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to provide an entity pursuant to the Louisiana Condominium Act, R.S. 9:1121.101 to R.S. 9:1124.117 for the operation ~and administration of the MARINA CHAMALE CONDOMINIUMS. ARTICLE IV.
The domicile of this corporation shall be St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana and the location and post office address of its registered office shall be: 2852 Carey Street, Slidell, Louisiana
In furtherance of its purposes, the corporation shall have all of the powers conferred upon corpordtior.s not-for-profit under the laws of the State of Louisiana. including all of the powers necessary or incidental thereto to perform the duties and exercise the rights and powers of the Association under the Condominium Declaration and the Louisiana Condominium Act ~which will include, but
be l:lrr.1 tcd to the follen.dng:
adopt and bylaws and rules and regulations'; adopt and budget test for revenues, expenditures, and reserves and make and collect assessments for common expenses from unit commerce
(3) hire and terminate managing agents and other employees, agents, and interdependent contractors;
(4) institute, defend, 'or intervene in litigation or administrative~': proceedings. in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners of matters affecting the condominium;
(5) make contracts ~and incur liabilities;
(6) regulate the use, maintenance. repair. replacement. and modification of common cements;
(7) cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common elements;
(8) acquire. hold. encumber. and convey in its own and any right, title, .or interest to real or personal property;
(9) grant easements. leases, licenses. and concessions through or over the common elements;
(10) impose and receive any payments. fees. or charges for the use. rental. or operation of the common elements other than limited common elements;
(11) impose charges for later payment of assessments and. after notice •
and an opportunity to be heard, levy reasonable fines for violations of the declaration. bylaws, and rules and regulations of the association~ (12) impose reasonable charges for the preparation and recordation of amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required by R;S. 9:1124.107, or statements of unpaid assessments;
(13) provide for the identification of its officers and executive board and maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(14) exercise any other powers conferred by the declaration or bylaws; (15) exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by legal entities of the same .type as the association; and
(16) exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the &governance and
operation of the association.
membership in~ the Association shall coexist exclusively of 011 the unit owners. Such interest shall be the sole qualif1ca,~~on for membership, Upon the sale or transfer of a Unit by an .owner. that, person's membership shall terminate and shall be automatically ,transferred to title purchaser: or transferee. ARTICLE VII
This corporation is to be organized on a non-stock basis. There shall be but one class ~f membership., Each member of the ~~association shall be entitled to one vote for each unit owned; said vote. however shall be on a percent~&e basic and the percentage of 'the vote to which any such owner is entitled shall be the percentage assigned to said unit in the Condominium Declaration.
The number of directors constituting the initial Board of Directors of this corporation is three. and the names and addresses of the persons who serve as the initial Directors are:
1.) Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
D2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
2.) George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
3.) Nelita Gorman Hooper
2852 Carrey Street
Slidell. Louisiana 70459
This initial Board of Directors shall serve until 120 days after completion of transfer to unit owners representing 75% of the votes of all unit 'owners, including all future phases. Said 75% shall be computed on both the initial phase and all future phases. However. the initial Board of Directors may, at its option. surrender control to the unit owners' at any time prior to these occurrences. ARTICLE IX
The Association's affairs shall be administered by Officers elected at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual members meeting. Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
officers names and addresses are.
George B. Dunbar - resident
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459 " ,
Gus M. Pelias.-Jr. - Vice-President
U2 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Lbui5i~na 70124 ~
Nelita Gorman Hooper - Secretary-Treasurer
2852 Carey Street
Slidell·~. Louisiana 70459
The above named officers shall hold office and serve until their successors are designated by the Board of Directors 'and have- qualified or' until removed from office X
Amendments -to these Articles of Incorporation shall be adopted in the manner set forth in the bylaws; provided. however, that no-amendment to these 'Articles shall-be contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration ••
The Board of Directors shall adopt the first bylaws of the Association. The bylaws ~y be amended. changed. -repealed in the manner provided by said bylaws.
The full name and post office address of the corporations registered agents are:
Gus M. Pelias. Jr.
12 Mariner's Cove North
New Orleans. Louisiana 70124
George B. Dunbar
2852 Carey Street
Slidell, Louisiana 70459
'.In] CJ.E >:J II
The name and post office address of the incorporator o[ this corporation 1s:
Gus M._Pelias, Jr.
#2 Mariners Cove:North
new Orleans:,. Louisiana 70124
Thus DONE-;..AND SIGNED, .in IOY office in the State, Parish and City aforesaid on the day,· and year hereinabove set forth, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, a f t e r 'due reading of the whole.
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 21st day of September, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation,
represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001. In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 3 states:
“Section 3. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on September 18, 2001, by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows:
“Section 3. Vacancies. All Board members must be current on their dues prior to the date of the first organizational meeting. Vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Directors even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a Director until his successor is elected at the next annual meeting of the membership.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary
after reading of the whole.
Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer
_________________________________ Notary Public
Marina Chamale’ Condominium Association, Inc.
BE IT KNOWN, that on this 4th day of May, 2001, before me, Brenda Compter, Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared
Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation, represented by its Secretary-Treasurer, Jane J. Whitty, duly elected on January 23, 2001.
In accordance with the By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association, Inc. , adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 26th Day of August, 1981, and specifically Article VII, Section 1 of said By-Laws, the following has been amended.
As adopted, Article III, Section 6, states
“Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of ten (10) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
And at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors on October 12, 1999 by unanimous vote of the quorum then present, same was amended as follows: “Section 6. Organization Meeting. Within a period of thirty (30) days following the election of a new Board of Directors, an organization meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors following which officers of the Association shall be elected as provided for in Article IV hereof.”
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole.
____________________________ Jane J. Whitty, Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________
Notary Public
Marina Chamale Condominium Association
Rules & Regulations
In addition to the covenants and regulations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, the Condominium Declaration and the Condominium By-Laws of Marina Chamale Condominium Association:
1. Marina Chamale is a private marina designated for use by it's slip owners/
renters and Chamale residents only. Any person utilizing the waters and boardwalks designated, as Marina Chamale shall be governed by and subject to these rules and regulations.
The rules of the road and navigation laws of the U.S.C.G. shall apply to all vessels in or approaching the marina. The approach to and waters in the marina are a "NO WAKE ZONE."
3. Only pleasure vessels, in good condition and under their
own power, shall be moved in the marina. Individual slip owners are responsible for the craft moored in their respective slip. Any damages to marina decking or pilings caused by the vessel moored in the slip will be repaired and that cost will be charged to the slip owner.
4. There are 137 usable slips within the marina. At no time
may any vessel be permanently moored in any area of the marina, ramp, surrounding land, boardwalk or water way not designated as a slip.
5. If any craft should sink or become waterlogged, it will be the responsibility of the owner of the slip to have such craft raised immediately. If after ten (10) days prior notice, the craft has not been raised, the Marina Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to undertake raising the craft, and any expense or cost involved will be charged to the slip owner.
6. Use of any toilet or marine head located on any craft
docked at it's berth, or at any location in the marina, will not be permitted unless that craft has a self contained properly functioning holding tank. This restriction will be strictly enforced, and anyone violating it will be subject to fine and eviction.
7. No refuse or trash shall be thrown overboard into the marina.
All trash, refuse and garbage must be removed from the marina area. Each slip owner is responsible for their respective slip area.
8. All catwalks, wharves and piers adjacent to the slips must
be kept clean. Vessel and slip owners shall not store supplies, material, accessories, fixtures, small boats or dinghies, or debris on the marina deck area, and shall not construct any lockers, chest, cabinets or similar structures. The Marina Association reserves the right to remove any such items without prior notice and charge the slip owner for removal expenses.
9. Only the Marina Chamale Condominium Association
approved dock locker will be permitted as storage unit correctly located at each slip.
10. No owner of a vessel or slip will make any alterations or
or repairs of any kind to the catwalks, piers, docks, or appurtenances thereto without specific written permission from the Marina Association. Any request for such
alteration must be made in writing, including drawings of same for association review.
11. Advertising or soliciting shall not be permitted on any slip
or vessel within the marina. Any sale sign must be located on the vessel, not the dock. A slip owner desiring to sell their slip may solicit in writing, permission from the board to place a For Sale sign (not larger than 12"x6") on the marina bulkhead next to the slip number. Permission will be granted only if slip
dues are paid current.
12. To supply electricity to a vessel, boat owners must use
standard marine electrical cables, connected to one of the marina electrical pedestals. The only exception is if an owner of a condo or home on the marina owns a slip adjacent to their unit/home and wishes to use their unit/ home energy as the source of electrical supply to their boat. In this case, a written request for approval must be submitted to the marina board, accompanied by a plan showing conduit path, under deck installation method,
and compliance with the City of Slidell electrical codes.
13. Bicycling, roller skating, or skateboarding are not allowed
on the marina boardwalks or piers. There will be absolutely no water toys of any size allowed in the marina. No jumping off of dock or boats at any time in the Marina.
14. All pets shall be leashed when on docks or piers. Leashed pets are only permitted if they do not disturb other slip owners or their guests. The Slidell Animal Control office should be notified of problems with unleashed animals.
15. Feeding of any domestic or wild animals within the marina
area is strictly prohibited. This includes alligators and turtles.
16. No laundry of any type, such as wet clothes or items
of a personal nature, shall be hung out to dry in public view.
17. Owners may not use, lease, lend, or grant access in any
way to an individual slip on which Association dues are past due.
18. No water nor electricity can be made available to slips on
which Association dues are past due.
19. Marina Chamale is under the jurisdiction of the City of
Slidell. The laws and their enforcement are subject to the Slidell authorities. Nuisances such as excessive noise improper and/or dangerous situations shall be reported to the Slidell Police department.
20. Any damage caused to the dock by a slip owner is to be repaired by the person causing the damage. The Marina Association has the right, but not the obligation to repair such damage and bill the owners for the necessary repairs.
21. All major repairs or alterations to vessels must be
completed outside the marina.
22. The Marina boat ramp is private and owned by the Marina
Association. It's use is dedicated to slip owners/renters and Chamale residents only. Slip owners/renters are allowed free usage of the ramp. The Association may levy a usage fee for all other usage. Ramp and access area must be kept clear at all times for the purpose of
launching or removing a boat. No vehicles, trailers, or boats may be left on the ramp unattended.
23. The marina parking lot is a private lot on Chamale Cove East behind slips 87 thru 93. The lot is reserved for slip owners/renters only to park their vehicles while
attending their vessels. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Affirmed and adopted by the board at the regular meeting October/2000